last updates March 25, 2021
3:49 pm
Senior Citizens Pictures:
“Elderly people are like plants.
Whereas some go to seed, or to pot,
others blossom in the most wonderful ways.
I believe beauty
competitions should be held only for people
over seventy years of
When we are young, we have the face and figure God gave us.
did nothing to earn our good looks.
But as we get older, character
becomes etched on our face.
Beautiful old people are works of art. Like
a white candle in a holy place, so it the beauty of an aged face.”
~James Simpson
Yes! This is our beautiful senior citizens pictures gallery.
We want you to join us! Show yourself off!
Take a look. We senior citizens are the most beautiful people in the world. Yes we are. I’m not kidding.
We have:
Do you know we've seen more major world changes in our lifetimes (the past 100 years) than occurred in the previous 1,000 years?
Wow! Pretty cool. Right?
Here's why:
We seniors have managed to live through wars, race riots, pollution of every kind.
We remember Black and White TV.
Some of us remember when there was no TV. When there were no computers.
We had more time outside in nature. More time with friends. And, a simpler life than today.
And, as smart and technologically superior the modern generations are, we have a lot to show the newer generations about Human Interaction. Kindness. Compassion. And, just how to have some real human connection.
We must never forget how important that is. Or, how lucky we were to live during those times.
So, dear friends, let’s see some of these Beautiful Faces.
If you can, email us your photo and we’ll paste it right here on this page. Tell us the names you’d like in the caption. The most recent pictures are at the top.
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